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P55 store — Notícias

Ricardina Oliveira
What is the color of 2022? Pantone Very Peri

What is the color of 2022? Pantone Very Peri

Every year, Pantone announces the color that will set the tone for the next 365 days. Made especially for 2022, PANTONE® 17-3938 Very Peri—a blend of steady blue with an energetic infusion of red, is the new hue of the year.Inspired by Pantone's new color? Discover works of art that invoke the energy of Very Peri.

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Ricardina Oliveira
O novo Superman e a representação da comunidade LGBTQI+

The new Superman and the representation of the LGBTQI+ community

On October 11, DC Comics announced that the new Superman is bisexual.NoIn the world of art, the representation of heterosexuality was predominant, always occupying a place of central visibility, compared to other sexual orientations. However, the comics has continually marked history by offeringa playful, stimulating and creative moment on current issues such as homophobia, racism, xenophobia, patriarchy, among others. Learn more about LGBTQI+ representation in Art in the new article.

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Ricardina Oliveira
Passou uma nova lei contra o aborto no estado do Texas

A new law against abortion has passed in the state of Texas

One of the most radical abortion laws in the United States of America went into effect this Wednesday.The Supreme Court decided not to suspend a law in the state of Texas that prohibits abortion after six weeks of pregnancy, even in cases of rape or incest. AUnsafe abortions are a leading cause of maternal death and disability. Paula Rego, Cindy Sherman inMany artists have been working on the topic of abortion to inform the community. Learn more about this topic in this article.

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Ricardina Oliveira
O impacto do retorno dos Talibãs ao Afeganistão

The impact of the Taliban's return to Afghanistan

On Sunday, August 15th, the Taliban took over Afghanistan's presidential palace after President Ashraf Ghani fled the country. This development marked the total collapse of the Afghan government, after President Joe Biden announced the withdrawal of US forces from the country.When the Taliban ruled the country from 1996 to 2001, creating art was a dangerous act. This organization destroyed the giant carved Buddha statues of Bamiyan and banned all artistic depictions of the human form. What will be the future of the citizens of this country?

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