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Here you will find the latest trends, news, events from the art world, as well as a comprehensive look at the most important artistic movements throughout art history and the stories, influences and techniques of emerging and established artists. P55.ART Magazine disseminates the essential information, the latest news and fundamental concepts, in order to improve the knowledge and appreciation of its readers for art.
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P55 store — Artistas

Ricardina Oliveira
Faleceu o artista minimalista Frank Stella

Faleceu o artista minimalista Frank Stella

O artista Frank Stella, que redirecionou o curso da arte de vanguarda nas décadas de 1950 e 1960 com pinturas abstratas escassas, inexpressivas, mas indeléveis, ajudando a inaugurar o estilo que veio a ser conhecido como Minimalismo, morreu no sábado aos 87 anos. Saiba mais aqui.

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Ricardina Oliveira
Como a peça "4′33″ permanece uma obra-prima?

How does the piece “4′33″ remain a masterpiece?

John Cage's 1952 work, 4′33″, has been a landmark for artists, composers and thinkers from all walks of life, spawning conceptual works, experimental gestures and even an iPhone app. But, even with almost everyone agreeing on its importance, misunderstandings about the work proliferate. Find out more here.

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Ricardina Oliveira
A coleção de arte do bilionário Jeff Bezos

Billionaire Jeff Bezos' art collection

Jeff Bezos is a name that resonates not just in the halls of digital commerce, but also in the exclusive circles of collectible art. In August 2020, when his fortune surpassed the $200 billion mark, Jeff Bezos not only became the richest man in the world, but also revealed himself to be an art collector with a keen eye for works of value and meaning. cultural. Find out more here.

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Ricardina Oliveira
A Coleção de Arte da famosa família Kardashian–Jenner | P55 Magazine | p55-art-auctions

The Art Collection of the Famous Kardashian–Jenner Family

The Kardashians are known for their famous reality show but also for their luxurious lifestyle. As such, it is no surprise that their homes are decorated with the best of art. It's true the Kardashians love art and tend to decorate their homes with pieces by Pop artists such as Andy Warhol, Richard Prince and Jeff Koons. A little ironic, since this artistic movement tends to criticize the massification of popular capitalist culture and the aesthetics of the masses through brand symbols, celebrities or other popular elements. In this article, we're going to explore the Kardashians' homes and find out...

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